Advanced C Project | Address Book

Address Book

Project Brief

An Application written in C to keeps track of names and telephone/mobile numbers and e-mail addresses of users.

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About this project

TYPE Individual project
DIFFICULTY Intermediate
PUBLISHED March 15, 2021


Address Book Project is an application written in C language. It keeps track of names and telephone/mobile numbers and e-mail addresses. It is a console based application which uses standard I/O for adding and deleting contact names, phone numbers and e-mail addresses, searching names and associated numbers and email addresses, updating numbers and email addresses, and deleting contacts.


This project will make you implement some important features of C programming which includes command line arguments, input parsing, file operations etc. Since this project is part of the C programming module, it will not use any Abstract Data Type (ADTs) like linked lists, rather you will be using existing C programming features mentioned above. As an advanced level this project can be implemented with ADTs and much more sophisticated search algorithms by achieving much optimal resource usage. 


By implementing this project in a hands-on way you will be able to build a firm understanding on the code C programming concepts and how to apply them on a use case like address book.

Requirement Details

Here is the list of requirements that your address book should be in a position to handle.     

    • Add Contact
      • Add a contact giving username
      • Add phone numbers to the newly added contact
      • Add e-mail addresses to the newly added contact                  
    • Search Contact
      • Search a contact by name.
      • Search contact by phone number.
      • Search contact by e-mail address.                                             
    • Edit Contact
      • Edit by name.
      • Edit contact by phone number.
      • Edit contact by email address.                                                 
    • Delete contact
      • Edit by name.
      • Edit contact by phone number.
      • Edit contact by email address.                                                 
    • List all contacts
    • Save the address book.
    • Exit the application.

Skeleton Code

The skeleton code in a very interesting concept used in Emertxe. By looking into the skeleton code, you will get a clear picture into converting the given requirement into a working solution. This will also take care of important aspects like modularity, clean coding practices, re-usability etc.


Click Here to Download the Source Code for Address Book Project


Sample Output

Here are the sample output expected by the end of project execution.

Fig: Delete Contact with the help of Name
Requirement Details
  • Add Contact
  • Search Contact
  • Edit Contact
  • Delete contact
  • List all contacts
  • Save the address book.
  • Exit the application.
Requirement Details
  • Add Contact
  • Search Contact
  • Edit Contact
  • Delete contact
  • List all contacts
  • Save the address book.
  • Exit the application.

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