recent fresher jobs

Recent Fresher Jobs – Offers

Recent fresher jobs offers – Robert BoschHuawei, Adeptchips, Pronto Networks and more


Placement activities happening continuously for our trained embedded systems students. Companies of various nature (MNCs, Mid-sized organizations, start-ups) hire our students who are working in various embedded verticals like automotive, telecom, consumer electronics etc. In the recent past our students are able to successfully clear the selection process and obtained job offers from many of the companies.


Robert Bosch, Huawei Technologies, Adept Chips, Pronto Networks, Sai Lakshmi industries, SM electronics, Nagra Technologies, AK-Aerotek, Vinfinet Technologies, Robodia, Telaverge communications are the recent fresher jobs offers to our students. Good number of them already joined their jobs, some of them are waiting for the joining formalities to get over. We understand from a college fresher to a seasoned embedded professional, our students have gone through a transformative process. Having an offer letter in their hands means a lot of them and to their families.


Team Emertxe wishes them all the best for their bright careers.

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