The IoT Show 2020, held at the KTPO in Bangalore, witnesses the industry’s professionals, roundabout 14,000 delegates, gather under one roof annually. Team Emertxe had a strong participation by having multiple tech talks and an IoT workshop.
The IoT Show 2020, held at the KTPO in Bangalore, witnesses the industry’s professionals, roundabout 14,000 delegates, gather under one roof annually to discuss the trends and forecasts, conduct numerous workshops in their own area of expertise from robotics, hardware, software to security specifics concerning IoT devices and technology. The presence of 340+ IoT brands and 120+ speakers makes this the paradise of electrical and electronic engineers.
The IoT Show is much more than a trade show and a networking event, it’s what inspires and motivates the fresher electrical and electronic engineers of today to leap into the future armed with the experience and expertise of the professionals that surround them. In turn, the horizons of the experienced expand when fresher electrical and electronic engineers ask relevant questions and portray their thoughts on emerging practices.
This nexus of ideation and feedback exchange is what sparks the growth of the industry. Emertxe is been a regular contributor to IoT Show since 2014. Our team of experts have been sharing their knowledge with the community in terms of workshops, talks and panel discussions. Before getting into details of IoT show 2020 let’s review the timeline of Emertxe’s contribution to the IoT Show. More details of our past contributions can be accessed from our IoT Show 2019 article as well.
IoT Show 2014
Emertxe’s Director, Jayakumar Balasubramanian gave a talk on ‘Design Challenges in IoT’ by calling out the following non-functional aspects and their resolutions:
- Network Failure
- Power Management
- Memory Management
- Code Optimization
The complete presentation on Design Challenges in IoT can be accessed.
IoT Show 2017
Emertxe’s Technology Head, Mubeen Jukaku conducted a presentation on ‘Android Things – Building embedded devices’ which was very niche technology by nature. Android Things was Google’s response to the limitations of Embedded Linux. The presentation covered the following architectural aspects to aid developers to build IoT devices using Android Things:
- Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL)
- OTA updates
- Metrics and Analytics
The complete presentation on Android Things – Building embedded devices can be accessed.
IoT Show 2018
Emertxe launches its FullStack Embedded IoT course and sets up a stall at the IoT Show in collaboration with NSDC / ESSCI. Spearheading the initiative in front of an audience of 2000+ at IoT 2018 were Emertxe’s Jayakumar Balasubramanian (Director), Mubeen Jukaku (Technology Head) and Syed Adil (Hardware Design Head) where they collectively detailed the following skills required by the engineers of the future:
- Foundational Skills
- Horizontal (Core IoT skills)
- Vertical (Domain IoT skills)
- Importance of building hands-on projects
- Transitioning into a complete IoT developer
The complete presentation on Next Generation Skills for IoT can be accessed.
Make a checklist of the skills to identify the areas where you, as a fresher engineering student might need to brush up. What resources do you have at your disposal to fill the gap? Address how a qualification at Emertxe with career placement opportunities can expedite the process. Get in touch with us today!
IoT Show 2019
Emertxe’s Director Jayakumar Balasubramanian conducted a talk on ‘Demystifying IoT skills: What does it take to become a FullStack IoT engineer?’. Given the cross-disciplinary nature of IoT, there are a lot of confusions that exist in an Engineer’s mind when it comes to IoT skills. The talk addressed IoT covered the following aspects from a technological, architecture and academic perspective:
- How to interpret IoT from a skills perspective?
- What additional skills an electronics engineer should have in order to have a career in this domain?
- How different Embedded and IoT job profiles are?
- What role do protocols play in IoT?
If you missed it, we have a snippet for you to view below on YouTube:
IoT Show 2019 | Demystifying IoT skills: What does it take to become a FullStack IoT engineer?
Apart from the talk our technical experts Mubeen Jukaku (Technology Head) and Syed Adil (Hardware Design Head) conducted a Hands-on Workshop on IoT – ‘Sensor-to-App: A hands-on workshop to build your end-to-end IoT solution’. The workshop was designed to give attendants hands-on exposure and allowed them to witness an end-to-end working IoT solution, covering the following basics:
- IoT Architecture
- Sensors
- IoT Device
- IoT Gateway
- Cloud Platforms
If you missed it, we have a snippet for you to view below on YouTube:
IoT Show 2019 | A hands-on workshop to build your end-to-end IoT solution
IoT Show 2020
Emertxe’s contribution to the IoT Show 2020 became bigger by having two talks and one hands-on workshop conducted by our pool of experts on all three days of the conference.
Day 1 : 13th February 2020
We started off with a niche technology talk titled Developing an end-to-end IoT solution using Mongoose OS & AWS IoT, spear headed by Mubeen (Technology Head at Emertxe). Mongoose OS is one of the upcoming technologies for IoT, where even very less research literature is available. Thanks to the nature of IoT requirements, specialized operating systems like Mongoose OS are used in microcontrollers. The talk covered key aspects of Mongoose OS and how it can be used to implement IoT specific requirements.

The presentation covered the following topics:
- Overview of IoT Architecture
- Setting up workflows
- Introduction to Electronics / Embedded systems programming
- Hardware & sensor interfacing
- Bringing up Mongoose OS in an IoT device
- Integrating with AWS IoT cloud
- Debugging and troubleshooting
The presentation was attended by senior technologists and subject matter experts who are already working in the IoT domain. Post talk it triggered a series of Q&A about specifics about implementation. Here is the recorded video of the talk.
Day 2 : 14th February 2020
On the second day of the IoT Show 2020, we conducted a hands-on workshop on the same topic Developing an end-to-end IoT solution using Mongoose OS & AWS IoT lead by our technology head Mubeen. Since it was a workshop that required practical demonstration Mubeen was supported by our team of experts lead by our hardware design head, Syed Adil. The workshop was full house with very senior technical people participating and providing excellent feedback. Here are some of the snapshot of our workshop:

Day 3 : 15th February 2020
On the third day, there was talk was conducted by Jayakumar Balasubramanian (Director at Emertxe) on the topic ‘Skilling Entry Level Engineers in IoT’. With over 15 lakh engineers produced on an annual basis in India skilling them in niche areas like IoT and making them employable is an uphill task. One the other hand, hiring organizations across small and larger firms/MNC’s are facing the pinch when it comes to finding the right skill set for their core IoT development. The challenges can be summarized as high employee turnover due to behavioral orientation and inadequate knowledge of scalability for embedded systems and IoT technologies.

In his talk, Mr. Jayakumar shared how Emertxe is been taking a holistic approach when it comes to skilling entry-level engineers. He presented six aspects of skilling which cover both technical and behavioral side of entry-level engineers.
- Importance of Foundational skills
- Having a robust assessment system for feedback and improvement
- Providing students an opportunity to discover their strengths and peruse them
- Building domain-specific skills in Embedded Systems and IoT
- Constant mentoring
- Continuous improvement
He called out practical aspects and how Emertxe solves them by pioneering a methodology over the years. The talk was well received and triggered multiple questions from industry experts, academicians and folks from skill development ecosystem.
In case you missed out the talk, here is the slide-deck.
Collaboration with Electronics Sector Skill Council of India
Emertxe is one of the Training Partners with Electronic Sector Skill Council of India (ESSCI), which comes under Skill India initiative by Government of India. In collaboration with ESSCI team Emertxe also had a stall in the IoT show 2020. On all three days it had a huge set of visitors and known folks from the ecosystem. It gave us a platform to meet new people and shared details about the work we are doing.

On a concluding note, Emertxe will leave with you a series of questions aligned to each of the topics we have been addressing over the past years at the IoT Show. We have come a long way since the initial implementation IoT in 2014 and its current global reach. We look forward to hearing your take on how our proposed approaches solutions can impact the future.