Emertxe formally announces its launch of IoT Courses. The topic of IoT or Internet of Things has been researched by our team of experts for a while now. The tech team at emertxe have been doing extensive research on how to convert all building blocks of IoT in a course format with following clear outcomes;
- To enable the students to become Hands-on in IoT as per current industry’s expectations
- Ensure our students gets placed in embedded or IoT companies after finishing IoT course at Emertxe
Clearly, IoT is taking center stage with more than 20 Billion intelligent devices connecting more than 4 million people around the world, across different verticals. It is also obvious that organisations are betting big on IoT, whether it is a start-up, mid-size or large corporations.
Having said that,the topic of skills required by people working in these organisations (primarily engineers) has always remained as a puzzle. This is mainly due to the fact that IoT consists of vast set of technologies that are interdisciplinary in nature. At a high level any IoT solution would consist of Sensors, IoT device, IoT gateway, Connectivity protocols, Cloud platform and finally an User Interface to derive meaningful insights.
Gaining deep expertise in all these areas is extremely challenging, given the fact that every technology is fairly complex. Along with that, many aspects of IoT (ex: standards and protocols) are still evolving, thereby making skill definition all the more challenging. Everybody has one common question ‘Where to start and How to proceed?’
In Emertxe, we have taken ‘T’ model approach where participants will get complete exposure to IoT by understanding all components of IoT as called out above. Along with that one core focus area to be decided where participants will get deep hands-on expertise to build real-time solutions.
Considering that our core offerings are in the Embedded Systems domain, we have given a FullStack approach to Embedded Aspects of the IoT. This means our FullStack IoT course will give both exposure (All components of IoT) and expertise (Embedded IoT) to participants. Our FullStack IoT course modules are lined up as follows. Click Here to Download our Institute’s Job Oriented IoT Course Syllabus

- Overview of IoT and High level architecture
- Setting up IoT workflow
- Advanced / Embedded C programming
- Microcontroller programming using Arduino
- Programming with Python
- Building IoT Applications using Raspberry Pi
- IoT Cloud Infrastructure
- Performance and Security in IoT
The overall course is designed to have a fine balance between focusing on advanced technologies (ex: IoT Cloud) and building on strong foundations (ex: Algorithms). Participants will be given immersive hands-on approach when it comes to programming modules which are delivered as C and Python modules. By the end of the program participants will be able to convert a given requirement into a working IoT solution by considering all components of IoT.
To start with this IoT course will be offered as a placement oriented course for freshers. This means it will be immersive in nature where fresh engineers are expected to spend minimum 5 hours per day (2-3 hours of theory followed by 2-3 hours of practical) by taking a step-by-step learning in terms of classroom learning, solving classroom exercises, assignments followed by module specific projects.
We expect freshers to build minimum 7-8 projects, thereby making their profiles impressive for recruiting / placement companies. For working professionals the same course will be delivered over weekends in a fast-tracked manner. Since weekend participants already have real-time work experience, this course can help them to up-skill and enhance their career possibilities.
This FullStack Embedded IoT course was formally launched as a part of the India Electronics Week – 2018, held in Bangalore during February 2018 now the course is open for admissions. We are getting good amount of interest among fresh engineers and working professionals to take part in the course. Definitely the IoT course is a placement oriented one, where participants will be provided with placement opportunities with our 290+ hiring companies who have been hiring our students for the past 14 years.
We are excited to launch our flagship Embedded FullStack IoT course. Considering vast nature of IoT, we see possibilities of more specialization courses (ex: Industrial IoT or IIoT) getting launched shortly. Stay tuned!