Python Programming | Projects

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Python Programming – Industry projects


Projects are the testimonials that you have learned a technology well. In Emertxe we have a hand-picked set of projects which will ensure you apply all your learnings of Python programming. Added to that these projects will also expose you to Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) so that you will get a hands-on feel of building real-time industry projects. Here goes the list of best python project for beginners.

Tic-Tac-Toe Game Implementation


Tic-Tac-Toe is a very popular game implemented using Python. This is one of the best python project for beginners.


The game is automatically played by the program and hence, no user input is needed. Still, developing an automatic game will be enable you to learn Python. Instead of asking the user to put a mark on the board, code randomly chooses a place on the board and put the mark. It will display the board after each turn unless a player wins.


  • Python statements
  • Numpy and Random libraries usage



Black Jack Game Implementation


Here is another best python project for beginners. Blackjack is a popular card game. It will start with implementing the basic logic of Blackjack and build on a more full-featured version. In phase one, you will use buttons to control the game and print the state of the game to the console using print statements. In the second phase, you will replace the print statements by drawing images and text on the canvas and add some extra game logic.


  • Python statements
  • Library
  • GUI programming

