Linux Shell Script | Programs and Examples

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Linux Shell Script Programs – Sample Code

Sample programs is the first step you take to transition from theory to practical. These Linux Shell Script Programs are demonstrated in a classroom will ensure you are able to immediately see it running in front of your eyes. Added to that our mentors will provide you some exercises where you will be modifying the code in the class itself. By doing this fill-in-the-blanks approach, will take out your fear of coding and start taking your next step towards skill development.

Linux - BASH Shell Scripting - sample programs


A simple script to print Hello World on terminal using echo command


Source Code:

# Author         : Emertxe ( 
# Date           : Tue 16 Feb 2016 16:27:07 IST
# File           :
# Title          : Hello World
# Description    : A simple script to print Hello World on terminal using echo command

echo "Hello World"

Example output:Linux Shell Script Programs - Program 1


A simple script to print the calender month by default.


Source Code:

# Author         : Emertxe ( 
# Date           : Tue 16 Feb 2016 16:27:07 IST
# File           :
# Title          : Calender
# Description    : A simple script to print the calender month by default

echo "The Month is"
cal # cal command displays current month by default

echo "An alternate view of calender"
ncal # An alternale layout for calender

Example output:Linux Shell Script Programs - Program 2



A simple script to read user input and perform operations with them.


Source Code:

# Author         : Emertxe ( 
# Date           : Tue 16 Feb 2016 16:27:07 IST
# File           :
# Title          : Variables and Expressions
# Description    : A simple script to read user input and perform operations with them

echo -n "Enter number 1 : " # -n option supresses newline
read NUM1 # Read the user input from Standard Input and store in Variable NUM1

echo -n "Enter number 2 : "
read NUM2

SUM=$(($NUM1 + $NUM2)) # Arithmetic expansion using double parentheses
echo "The sum is $SUM"

SUM=`expr $NUM1 + $NUM2` # Arithmetic expansion using backticks. 
			#Usage of expr command to evaluate the expression
echo "The sum is $SUM"

Example output:

Linux Shell Script Programs - Program 3


A script to show usage of if condition


Source Code:

# Author         : Emertxe ( 
# Date           : Tue 16 Feb 2016 16:27:07 IST
# File           :
# Title          : Test construct - if
# Description    : A script to show usage of if condition

NUM1=5 # variable assignment

if [ $NUM1 -gt $NUM2 ] # -gt is to test integer numbers
    echo "NUM1 > NUM2"

Example output:Linux Shell Script Programs - Program 4



A script to show usage of if else condition


Source Code:

# Author         : Emertxe ( 
# Date           : Tue 16 Feb 2016 16:27:07 IST
# File           :
# Title          : Test construct - if else
# Description    : A script to show usage of if else condition

NUM1=2 # Variable assignment

if [ $NUM1 -lt $NUM2 ]  # -lt is to test integer numbers
    echo "NUM1 < NUM2" else echo "NUM1 > NUM2"

Example output:Linux Shell Script Programs - Program 5



A script to show usage of else if condition


Source Code:

# Author         : Emertxe ( 
# Date           : Tue 16 Feb 2016 16:27:07 IST
# File           :
# Title          : Test construct - elif (else if)
# Description    : A script to show usage of else if condition

echo -n "Enter a number: "
read NUM

if [ $NUM -gt 0 ]
    echo "$NUM is +ve"
elif [ $NUM -lt 0 ]
    echo "$NUM is -ve"
    echo "$NUM is 0"

echo "done"


Example output:

Linux Shell Script Programs - Program 6


A script to demonstrate case statement


Source Code:

# Author         : Emertxe ( 
# Date           : Tue 16 Feb 2016 16:27:07 IST
# File           :
# Title          : Test and Branch constuct - Case 
# Description    : A script to demonstrate case statement

echo -n "Enter a character: "
read CHAR

case $CHAR in
	a) echo "You entered $CHAR which is a vowel";;  # ;; Terminates each option
	e) echo "You entered $CHAR which is a vowel";;
	i) echo "You entered $CHAR which is a vowel";;
	o) echo "You entered $CHAR which is a vowel";;
	u) echo "You entered $CHAR which is a vowel";;
	*) echo "You entered $CHAR which is not a vowel";; # Defaults to everything else

echo "What if you enter upper case letters!!?, Check the next example"

Example output:

Linux Shell Script Programs - Program 7


A script to demonstrate case statement


Source Code:

# Author         : Emertxe ( 
# Date           : Tue 16 Feb 2016 16:27:07 IST
# File           :
# Title          : Test and Branch constuct - Case 
# Description    : A script to demonstrate case statement

echo -n "Enter a character: "
read CHAR

case $CHAR in
	a | A) # Test for both Lower or Upper case letter
		# You may write commands in this fashion too!!, means multiline commands
		echo "You entered $CHAR which is a vowel"
		;; # Terminates each option
	e | E) 
		echo "You entered $CHAR which is a vowel"
	i | I) 
		echo "You entered $CHAR which is a vowel"
	o | O) 
		echo "You entered $CHAR which is a vowel"
	u | U) 
		echo "You entered $CHAR which is a vowel"
	*)  # Defaults to everything else
		echo "You entered $CHAR which is not a vowel"

Example output:

Linux Shell Script Programs - Program 72


A script to demonstrate case statement


Source Code:

# Author         : Emertxe ( 
# Date           : Tue 16 Feb 2016 16:27:07 IST
# File           :
# Title          : Test and Branch constuct - Case 
# Description    : A script to demonstrate case statement with string inputs

echo -n "Oceans are larger than lakes (True or False) : "

case $USER_INPUT in
	"TRUE"| "True" | "true")
		echo "Yes you are right"
		;; # Terminates each option
	"FALSE" | "Fasle" | "false")
		echo "No your are wrong"
	*)  # Defaults to everything else
		echo "Please enter either True or False"

Example output:

Linux Shell Script Programs - Program 73


A simple script to show usage of string compare operator = and !=


Source Code:

# Author         : Emertxe ( 
# Date           : Tue 16 Feb 2016 16:27:07 IST
# File           :
# Title          : Operators - String Compare
# Description    : A simple script to show usage of string compare operator = and !=


if [ ${STR1} = ${STR2} ]
    echo "Strings match"
    echo "Strings don't match"

Example output:Linux Shell Script Programs - Program 81


A simple script to show usage of string compare operator -z and -n


Source Code:

# Author         : Emertxe ( 
# Date           : Tue 16 Feb 2016 16:27:07 IST
# File           :
# Title          : Operators - String Compare
# Description    : A simple script to show usage of string compare operator -z and -n


if [ -z "${STR1}" ]
    echo "String1 is empty"
    echo "String1 is NOT empty"

echo ":$STR:"
if [ -n "${STR2}" ]
    echo "String2 is NOT empty"
    echo "String2 is empty"

Example output:

Linux Shell Script Programs - Program 82


A simple script to show usage of logical operators


Source Code:

# Author         : Emertxe ( 
# Date           : Tue 16 Feb 2016 16:27:07 IST
# File           :
# Title          : Operators - Logical
# Description    : A simple script to show usage of logical operators

echo -n "Enter a NUM: "
read NUM

# Check whether a number is between 10 and 20 (Using AND -a operator)
if [ $NUM -ge 10 -a $NUM -le 20 ]
    echo "$NUM is between 10 and 20"
    echo "$NUM is NOT between 10 and 20"

echo -n "Enter another NUM: "
read NUM

# Check whether a number is between 10 and 20 (Using OR -o operator)
if [ $NUM -lt 10 -o $NUM -gt 20 ]
    echo "$NUM is NOT between 10 and 20"
    echo "$NUM is between 10 and 20"

Example output:

Linux Shell Script Programs - Program 9


A simple script to show usage while loop


Source Code:

# Author         : Emertxe ( 
# Date           : Tue 16 Feb 2016 16:27:07 IST
# File           :
# Title          : Loops - while
# Description    : A simple script to show usage while loop


while [ $COUNT -lt 5 ]
    echo "Loop count is ${COUNT}"
    COUNT=$((COUNT + 1))

echo "Done"

Example output:

Linux Shell Script Programs - Program 101



Sum of N natural numbers using while loop


Source Code:

# Author         : Emertxe ( 
# Date           : Tue 16 Feb 2016 16:27:07 IST
# File           :
# Title          : Loops - while
# Description    : Sum of N natural numbers using while loop

echo -n "Enter a number: "
read NUM

let SUM=0; 
let I=1
while [ $I -le $NUM ]
	SUM=`expr $SUM + $I`
	I=$((${I} + 1))

echo "The sum of the first $NUM numbers is: $SUM"

Example output:

Linux Shell Script Programs - Program 102


A simple script to demonstrate for loop [ Bash syntax ]


Source Code:

# Author         : Emertxe ( 
# Date           : Tue 16 Feb 2016 16:27:07 IST
# File           :
# Title          : Loops - for
# Description    : A simple script to demonstarte for loop [ Bash syntax ]


for i in 0 1 2 3 4
    echo "Loop count is ${COUNT}"
    COUNT=$((COUNT + 1))

Example output:

Linux Shell Script Programs - Program 111


A simple script to demonstrate for loop [ C syntax ]


Source Code:

# Author         : Emertxe ( 
# Date           : Tue 16 Feb 2016 16:27:07 IST
# File           :
# Title          : Loops - for
# Description    : A simple script to demonstarte for loop [ C syntax ]


for ((i = 0; i < 5; i++))
    echo "Loop count is ${COUNT}"
    COUNT=$((COUNT + 1))

Example output:

Linux Shell Script Programs - Program 112


Sum of N natural numbers using for loop


Source Code:

# Author         : Emertxe ( 
# Date           : Tue 16 Feb 2016 16:27:07 IST
# File           :
# Title          : Loops - for
# Description    : Sum of N natural numbers using for loop

echo -n "Enter a number: "
read NUM

let SUM=0; 
for I in `seq $NUM` # seq command provides a sequence of numbers from 0 to $NUM
	SUM=`expr $SUM + $I`
	I=$((${I} + 1))

echo "The sum of the first $NUM numbers is: $SUM" 

Example output:

Linux Shell Script Programs - Program 11


A script to show the usage of command line arguments, Here we access positional arguments using $1, $2 …


Source Code:

# Author         : Emertxe ( 
# Date           : Tue 16 Feb 2016 16:27:07 IST
# File           :
# Title          : Command line arguments
# Description    : A script to  show the usage of command line arguments, 
#                  Here we access positional arguments using $1, $2 ...

echo "Total no. of argument: $#"

echo "Program name: $0"
echo "1st argument: $1"
echo "2nd argument: $2"
echo "3rd argument: $3"

Example output:Linux Shell Script Programs - Program 121


A script to show the usage of command line arguments, Here we access arguments by iterating over $@


Source Code:

# Author         : Emertxe ( 
# Date           : Tue 16 Feb 2016 16:27:07 IST
# File           :
# Title          : Command line arguments
# Description    : A script to show the usage of command line arguments, Here we access arguments by iterating over $@ 

echo "Total no. of argument: $#"
echo "Argument list: $@" # Commonly used
echo "Argument list: $*"

# Iterate over arguments ($@)
for ARG in $@
    echo $ARG

Example output:Linux Shell Script Programs - Program 122


A script to show the usage of function


Source Code:

# Author         : Emertxe ( 
# Date           : Tue 16 Feb 2016 16:27:07 IST
# File           :
# Title          : Functions
# Description    : A script to show the usage of function

# Function definition
function print_hello()
    	echo "====="
    	echo "Hello"
    	echo "====="

# Call the function - print_hello


Example output:Linux Shell Script Programs - Program 131


A script to show the usage of function and how to pass arguments


Source Code:

# Author         : Emertxe ( 
# Date           : Tue 16 Feb 2016 16:27:07 IST
# File           :
# Title          : Functions - Arguments
# Description    : A script to show the usage of function and how to pass arguments

# Function definition
function find_sum()
    SUM=`expr $1 + $2`
    echo $SUM

# Pass arguments 10 and 20 to find_sum function
find_sum 10 20

# Save the output of function in a variable
RESULT=`find_sum 100 200`
echo $RESULT 

Example output:

Linux Shell Script Programs - Program 132


A script to show the usage of function and how to pass arguments Inside function:
$# – Gives no. of arguments
$@ – Contains the arguments to function
Accessing function arguments is similar to accessing command line arguments


Source Code:

# Author         : Emertxe ( 
# Date           : Tue 16 Feb 2016 16:27:07 IST
# File           :
# Title          : Functions - Arguments
# Description    : A script to show the usage of function and how to pass arguments
# 		   Inside function:
# 		   $# - Gives no. of arguments
# 		   $@ - Contains the arguments to function
# 	 	   Accessing function arguments is similar to accessing command line arguments

# Function definition
function find_sum()
    echo "Arg count: $#"
    echo "Arg list: $@"
    # Iterate over function arguments
    for ARG in $@
	SUM=`expr $ARG + $SUM`

    echo $SUM

# Call find_sum with many arguments
find_sum 1 2 3 4 5

find_sum 10 20

Example output:

Linux Shell Script Programs - Program 133


A script to show how to declare an array and access its element.


Source Code:

# Author         : Emertxe ( 
# Date           : Tue 16 Feb 2016 16:27:07 IST
# File           :
# Title          : Array
# Description    : A script to show how to declare an array and access its elements

# Declare an array
FRUITS=(apple mango banana orange)

# Print value of each element
echo "element 0: ${FRUITS[0]}"
echo "element 1: ${FRUITS[1]}"
echo "element 2: ${FRUITS[2]}"
echo "element 3: ${FRUITS[3]}"

# Print size / length of array
echo "Length: ${#FRUITS[@]}"
echo "Whole array: ${FRUITS[@]}"
echo "Whole array: ${FRUITS[*]}"

echo "Looping over array elements"
# Iterate over array elements
for ITEM in ${FRUITS[@]}
    echo $ITEM

Example output:

Linux Shell Script Programs - Program 14



A script to store all cmd line arguments to a array and prints


Source Code:

# Author         : Emertxe ( 
# Date           : Tue 16 Feb 2016 16:27:07 IST
# File           :
# Title          : Array
# Description    : A script to store all cmd line arguments to a array and prints


echo ${ARG[0]}
echo ${ARG[1]}
echo ${ARG[2]}
echo ${ARG[3]}
echo ${ARG[4]}

Example output:

Linux Shell Script Programs - Program 142


A script to demonstrate different types of array access


Source Code:

# Author         : Emertxe ( 
# Date           : Tue 16 Feb 2016 16:27:07 IST
# File           :
# Title          : Array
# Description    : A script to demonstrate different types of array access

array=(zero one two three four five)

# Element 0   1   2    3   4   5
echo ${array[0]}       #  zero
echo ${array:0}        #  zero, Parameter expansion of first element,+ starting at position # 0 (1st character).
echo ${array:1}        #  ero, Parameter expansion of first element, + starting at position # 1 (2nd character).
echo "--------------"
echo ${#array[0]}      #  4, Length of first element of array.
echo ${#array}         #  4, Length of first element of array. (Alternate notation)
echo ${#array[1]}      #  3, Length of second element of array. Arrays in Bash have zero-based indexing.
echo ${#array[*]}      #  6, Number of elements in array.
echo ${#array[@]}      #  6, Number of elements in array.
echo "--------------"

# Quoting permits embedding whitespace within individual array elements.
array2=([0]="first element" [1]="second element" [3]="fourth element")

echo "The ${array2[0]}"   # first element
echo "The ${array2[1]}"   # second element
echo "The ${array2[2]}"   # Skipped in initialization, and therefore null.
echo "The ${array2[3]}"   # fourth element
echo "The lenght of ${array2[0]} ${#array2[0]}" 	   # 13 (length of first element)
echo "The number of elements in the array ${#array2[*]}"  # 3  (number of elements in array)

Example output:

Linux Shell Script Programs - Program 143


A script to demonstrate usage of sed command


Source Code:

# Author         : Emertxe ( 
# Date           : Tue 16 Feb 2016 16:27:07 IST
# File           :
# Title          : Command - sed
# Description    : A script to demostrate usage of sed command

# Uses printf to color the pattern
echo "I am in GREEN" | sed ''/GREEN/s//`printf "33[32mGREEN33[0m"`/''

Example output:

Linux Shell Script Programs - Program 15