Data Structures & Algorithms | Course Home
Data Structures
Contents are plenty in this internet driven world. As a fresher or a working professional you might be confused where to look for what information. We at team Emertxe, understand this challenge very well. Hence, our team of mentors curated and chunked the Data Structures and Algorithms course materials under various categories as mentioned below. By going through each category of materials you will equip yourself both theoretical and practical aspects of Data Structures. This will enable you to achieve your goal – be it getting into a first job or getting ahead in your career. Still work in progress for some of them, will update in the coming days.

Course Materials
Build sound foundations by understanding our in-depth course materials.Tons of reference materials to download and use.

Make your hands dirty by getting hands-on with our sample code. With designed use-cases,get maximum coverage of the subject.

Apply your knowledge by building on real Markings programs. These assignments will stretch your thinking horizon for sure

Industry projects
There is nothing more cool than seeing a E2E working project. Learn and work on these industry projects by taking SDLC approach.

Interview preparation
Got an interview or written test tomorrow? Nothing can substitute the last Preparation. Clear your interviews with ease.