IoT Cloud | Sample Programs

IoT Cloud Infrastructure – Sample Programs

Sample programs is the first step you take to transition from theory to practical. These sample programs typically demonstrated in a classroom will ensure you are able to immediately see it running in front of your eyes. Added to that our mentors will provide you some exercises where you will be modifying the code in the class itself. By doing this fill-in-the-blank approach, will take out your fear of coding.

Example 1


A basic Lambda function in AWS using python.


Source Code:

#    Author         : Emertxe ( 
#    Date           : Wed 02 Aug 2021 10:00:00 IST
#    Function       : hello_lambda
#    Title          : First Lambda Function
#    Description    : A basic Lambda function in AWS using python
import datetime

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    print ("Hello Lambda")
    print ("The time is",
    print ("This print is from function", context.function_name)
Example output:
IoT sample program output

Example 2


A basic Lambda function which is triggered with the help of AWS IoT Core.


Source Code:

#    Author         : Emertxe ( 
#    Date           : Wed 03 Aug 2021 10:00:00 IST
#    Function       :
#    Title          : AWS IoT Trigger
#    Description    : A basic Lambda function which is triggered with the help of AWS IoT Core

import json

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    num1 = event['number1']; 
    num2 = event['number2']; 
    result = num1 + num2; 

    print "The result is", result;

    return {
        "result": result 


Example Input:

Embedded Systems Course | Emertxe | Bengaluru

IoT cloud sample program output 1:

IoT Sample Programs Output


Example output 2:

Embedded Systems Course | Emertxe | Bengaluru

Example 3


A basic Lambda function function which is triggered with the help of AWS IoT Core # and publish back to client application.


Source Code:

#    Author         : Emertxe ( 
#    Date           : Wed 03 Aug 2021 10:00:00 IST
#    Function       :
#    Title          : Publich from AWS IoT core 
#    Description    : A basic Lambda function which is triggered with the help of AWS IoT Core
#                     and publish back to client application 

import os
import json
import boto3

# Note: You need to set these environmental variables

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    data_payload = { 
        "Sum": event['number1'] + event['number2']


    # Create an AWS IoT client 
    data = boto3.client(

    # Publish a simple message to the specified IoT topic
    response = data.publish(

    # Print out the response


Example Input:

IoT Sample Programs Input

IoT cloud sample program output 1:

Embedded Systems Course | Emertxe | Bengaluru


Example output 2:

IoT Cloud Sample Programs